

Manuals Related to Issues that affect the Elderly

The TIMA Charitable Foundation has, throughout the years, made grants to non-profit organizations that have published manuals on a variety of subjects related to issues affecting the elderly.

Please visit the links below to download each manual along with an accompanying description of each.


Description: This manual covers essential information regarding dementia, such as living with and caring for a person with dementia. It also contains advice and information for caregivers and their own health.

Description: This blueprint contains information on how participation in cultural activities improves the quality of life of persons with dementia as well as their caregivers.


Safety at Home:

Description: This manual contains detailed information on the safe and secure independent living of elders in their home. Advice is provided on a plethora of issues including safety, prevention of falls, exercises for physical strength, nutrition.


“Help at Home” Service:

Description: The toolkit showcases international service design best practices and provides specific ideas and tangible proposals for improvements regarding the “Help at Home” Service, a government-funded program in Greece.


Fundraising for Care Homes:

Description: The manual describes all the Greek funding sources and relevant procedures at the time of publication so that care homes can go about applying for financial support.


Intergenerational Recreational Programs for Care Homes:

Description: The manual contains information regarding the implementation of an intergenerational educational and recreational program.  The goal is to generate an interaction between senior care home residents with middle and high school students, in order to improve the seniors’ quality of life and to strengthen students’ soft skills.


Geriatric Syndromes:

Description: The guide is based on training lectures that were given to care home employees by professors of the “Physiology of Ageing and Geriatric Syndromes” Master’s Program of the Athens Medical School and contains information on various geriatric conditions.


Senior Needs in the Urban Landscape:

Description: The toolkit is based on senior’s needs assessment & mapping of the Kypseli neighborhood, in cooperation with the Open Protection Center for the Elderly (OPCE) of Kiou Street (Kypseli), regarding the urban public space. It also presents ways to improve senior’s quality of life by pinpointing the main problems that seniors face and proposes relevant solutions.


