

TIMA responds to Covid-19 crisis with major projects to support the national health system and the elderly

The Covid-19 crisis in Greece had dire implications on its potential effects on both the national health system and the elderly.

TIMA undertook three main steps in dealing with the pandemic. These included internal changes, amendments to our currently funded programs and the adoption and implementation of a Covid-19 Emergency Fund. Specifically


Internal Changes:

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, TIMA has made internal changes to protect staff, their families, and of course our society as a whole. We also believe in the continuation of our work and, now perhaps more than ever, we stand by our partner NGOs who serve those who are particularly vulnerable to the disease, the elderly.


Our funded programs:

Having discussed the effects of social distancing with the CEOs and program managers of our partner NGOs, and keeping the security and health of our partners and beneficiaries at the top of our priorities, we are happy to report that 80% of our projects continue to be implemented. With small changes to their programs, TIMA is happy to report that the majority of its NGO partners were quick to make the necessary adaptations, while continuing to support their beneficiaries and patients to carry out their programs. The remaining 20% of our partner NGOs who rely on direct contact with their beneficiaries remain committed to carrying out the remainder of their projects once restrictions have been lifted and the safety and health of beneficiaries can be secured.


Covid-19 Emergency Fund:

Our aim as a Foundation continues to be to serve the most vulnerable elderly in the country. Having followed developments closely, and affirming our position as a strong pillar of support for elderly communities throughout Greece, TIMA was quick to react and approve a Covid-19 emergency fund.

As a next step, and acknowledging that sourcing protective gear and medical supplies for the national health system was a major obstacle due to lack of supply, TIMA took the untoward step of finding partners and suppliers that could provide such valuable equipment. This strategy resulted in four main projects all of which you can see in the “Related Grants” section below.


Related Grants
